Saturday, 16 January 2016

How To Do Marketing To Your List

You can make money through content marketing building your list, and marketing to that list.

You use a squeeze page to have people sign up to your list. Using double opt in where they have to click a confirmation link in an email makes it more sure they're willing to read your emails.

You can track your emails. It's useful to know who and how many people opens an email, and who and how many click any links in it. You can see the connection between specific emails and people who purchase your product when you send them to the sales page.

Actions to take.

First, buy into an autoresponder service so you can sequence, time, and send your emails, as well as use their tracking.

Second, set up a squeeze page using a form from your autoresponder service. You can get software to enable you to create a squeeze page.

Third, send traffic to that page.

Fourth, develop a relationship with those who sign up to your list. Give them valuable niche information. Tell them how to do things in the niche or explain why certain actions are needed. Offer them products with the best quality you can find.

Read Relationships In Your List Building for more information.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Subscribers From Content Purchase More

People who subscribe to your list when they've come from a piece of your content tend to buy more products from you, compared to those who come from other places.

Why is that?

It's to do with building a relationship with them.

When someone subscribes from, for example, a banner ad, you start creating a relationship with them as usual. You send them valuable content and keep in touch with them. But you're starting that relationship building only from the first email you send them. You're starting from scratch once they've subscribed.

But there's a difference when they subscribe from your content. The content acts as a filter because they've gone through your content about a subject they want to know about. They click your link in it becasue they want to see more of your information. They're interested in your style and tone. In other words, the relationship has begun.

This means that when they opt in, you can make offers quicker, they'll purchase something faster, and the relationship can grow more quickly. It's easier for you to follow through after they've experienced your work in your content.

Want to know more? Click the link: Write Emails As If To One Person

Monday, 11 January 2016

Content And Your List Building

Content creation is maybe the best free way to market on the internet. Anyone can use the method and it can be organized into your working day online.

I've created quite a lot of written content in the form of articles and website posts now. It would be very cool for me to have created  more. Even on days I havn't I look back and think I should have done.

That's the content. The building of your list? This must be done in the right way. It has to be sorted the way you want it in your autoresponder. Plus it has to be made of subscribers who are already or want to be your customers. To achieve that they need to have trust in you.

That trust means they have to feel you have credibility. Your content is key in proving your credibility. They go through a piece of  your content and click through to your squeeze page for their freebie. That trust then follows through to your email campaign. Because of all this, you can sell them relevant products, which increases your credibility further.

There's a follow through from free content to the freebie to the emails to the initial and later products.
Click the link to learn about Your Email Marketing And Trust

Friday, 1 January 2016

Deciding About Online Business Opportunities

Are you reading this now because you're still looking for that one online business opportunity to make you rich? Or because you've realized that their promises are not realistic and you're looking for a better and more realistic way to be in business online?

If it's the first, you're probably just beginning to look for such opportunities. If it's the second, you probably have bumped into too many over-promised ones you've spent money and time on, and are now beginning to feel frustrated.

Online is the same as offline business in that it has to be an actual business, and in it for the long haul. You have to have systems that work for you and products that are valuable to your customers.

There's no cookie cutter method or business. There are as many business organizations as there are people because each one is a reflection of the business owner. Besides which, each has to be unique in some way in order to differentiate itself from its competition. Otherwise, it wouldn't make any difference which business a customer bought a similar product from. For example, as in other parts of an online business, there are lots of different ways to get traffic to your website, from ads of various types to direct communication with prospective customers, such as emails or webinars.

You have to try out and work out what works best for you and your business. If you already have some experience in a method in your new business, you can try that out first so you're not starting from scratch with it. For example, if you're experienced in holding meetings online and have experience of the technology to do it, you might find webinars an easy method of communication for you, whereas others would staruggle as to where to begin.

Click the link for You Need A Plan To Succeed Online