Saturday, 20 August 2016

RSS - Your Simple Explanation

Crawler bots are sent out by search engines across the web to collect information as to what new has been done. They collect it on their servers. Someone does a search which is related to what the crawler has collected. The searcher is shown a list of search results related to that they entered in their search. Those sites shown in the results have been indexed by the search engine.

Here's an example. Google sends a crawler to your website and collects most of the information on there, so that information is indexed. Nevertheless, the crawler will not necessarily get all the information from your site. It decides how regularly to visit your site by how often you publish new posts and so on. For instance, putting new information on your home page means it will visit the site more frequently.

Sometimes you get stuck and can't publish new stuff. You could use RSS at those times. Feeds will collect information from other sites and place it on yours, so you have a constant flow into your site. Becasue of this crawlers will want to collect your new information, maintaining its indexing, and search results showing your site for specific search terms on your site.

Now click the link to read RSS - Using RSS Feeds In Wordpress

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