Saturday, 5 December 2015

Give Your Best Information In Your Freebies

By this I mean precisely that you give the information you state you will in your title. The person going through your content, like this article, is doing so because it's as if the title is promising to cover a certain topic and give helpful information about it.

If they've been searching online for some specific topic information and come across your content on it, they expect that you'll keep to the promise in your title.
So the information has to have value to it. If you're concerned that if you do this then people won't buy from you, you're with most other sellers in how to present free informtion.

But there need be no concern. Because if you give them valuable content, and especially if they've been searching for it, it demonstrates to them that you have some credibility and do provide some value. They'll be more likely to click through to opt in to your list, and then buy from you. Through what you've already shown them, they feel they can trust you to give solutions to problems and challenges. If your freebie is worthless to them it'll have the opposite effect.

They feel they want more information from you.

They might want more because you've addressed their specific problem in that topic area. You've shown you can provide solutions. If  they work with what you've given them they could overcome the problem. But you might not have given all the details of the solution. So they're prepared to pay for that.

They might want more from you on problems or topics which relate to the one in your content. So they want you to give them information on wider issues in their niche.

Click the link for information on Using A Free Internet Marketing Course

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