A lot of people don't have much experience of writing at any length once they're out of school or college. so when you start creating written content it might be a bit stiff in its style and your process of writing at first. However, your writing will get easier the more you write.
You can check you finished work over yourself for corrections needed. You can also ask someone else to double check it. However, be wary of others relling you it's ok when in fact they have other thoughts about it but don't want to affect your confidence. You want the opposite, with others telling you clearly, even if you don't agree with them about what might need changing. You won't necessarily agree with what they suggest but it is better to have another person go over it so that you can become a better writer over time.
You can also read it out loud to yourself. Reading only in your head, it's easy to slip over any mistakes because you presume you know exactly what it reads like. Reading aloud makes you fix on each word more closely and so spot any mistakes.
Learn from other writers online too. Ask yourself about those you enjoy, what exactly they're doing that you're not or you could do as well. For example, are they writing at greater length or is their language clearer or do they cover ideas at a deeper or less deep level? If you're an expert in your subject you may communicate at a deeper level than most people so you'd need to make changes to communicate more clearly and fluently.
However, don't stop but keep creating written content. Keep publishing on the level you're at now so you can keep improving through actually writing and not just thinking about it. In other words, don't let it stop you growing your online business.
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