Thursday, 13 October 2016

Niche Internet Business At Home

By niche I mean not selling internet marketing products. Instead it might be a hobby of yours or a specific professional service you provide.

Unfortunately, people still get too focused on their website as the be all and end all of what they want to do. You do need one but once it's built you need to market it. No-one knows it's there. For example, if your products are cakes and bakery ones, you're able to use cake and bakery related magazines to advertise in. Also, create content about your topics and publish them on related sites, as well as sites like YouTube if you're using videos. Someone looking for information on cakes and bakery products will search for them and hopefully find your content with a link to your site.

Have the link go to a page where you offer them a freebie such as a 5 part email course on baking a particular sort of popular cake, perhaps with your own twist to it. Having them on your list means you can communicate with them regularly through emails and sometimes send them an offer. If you're going to use email marketing, it's key to get all your visitors' email addresses.

Here are ways to get your business started.

1 Make sure you have product to sell.
If you don't have one yet, choose an affiliate program selling products related to your business. You get a percentage of the selling price when someone buys it through your link.

2 You need a website. Build a new one or buy into one already done for you with products included.

3 Market your business. Think of and research every possible way you can to market your business. Research on the web, in libraries, in bookshops, in magazines. You can also pay experts in your niche to give you advice and help.

I presume you want to be free from working for someone else. Work out a step by step plan to start your business and follow it through.

Click the link to read: Content Marketing For Your Niche Business

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