Are you on lots of email lists? And getting lots of emails? Me too. But most of them I don't even open. Others I look forward to. Why is that?
Although I've never met them, I feel a relationship with those I open.
It's key to create such a relationship with the people on your list.
This starts with the first time they come across you, and then takes time to develop. It's developed through your opt in page and freebie, and your first emails.
At any point they're interacting with some material of yours, they want to think you know more than they do. There is something you can pass on to them and help them with. I don't think you'd stick with somebody who you believed knew less than you about your niche.
The first material they go through of yours should be easy to get through and intelligible.
Your first email has to be friendly enough combined with a sense of expertise.
Then your second email develops that further. Plus reinforce the sense of niche expertise, demonstrating you have strong information to give them, and that you're able to provide them with free information and other gifts.
Now click the link to read Your List - How To Get Email Opens Right
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