Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Article Writing Frightens You?

There are masses of people at any one time trying out internet marketing. Yet so few actually make a success of it. I mean that they persistently over time make their own products and develop a good income.

Being able to write is basic to all that. Look, you can generate ebooks, reports, manuals, courses, slides, as well as audio and video outlines. That's not to mention your business core email series, sales pages, and anything else you can think of.

Basic to all this, or the root of it from which the rest can grow and depend upon it, is article writing. Look on writing articles as a lead up to, or practial experience for, creating the rest. Of course, that's not all. You use them for content marketing  when you publish them.

Put a link at the bottom of your articles and you'll get backlinks to help you in the search engines, and you get traffic from people clicking those links.

You do not need to write massively long articles, although of course you can if you want to or it fits the place you're publishing to or it takes greater length to cover your article topic. Basically, readers want the skinny of the information so they can understand more and use what you've told them if they can. Simply have an introduction to the article topic, have three to ten ideas on your topic, which might be how to do something, and then put a summary conclusion. Leave a one line gap only, and put your link.

If you're thinking of starting to write articles for content, then don't expect your first attempts will be great. It'll probably be slow to begin with. But as you get experienced at it, you'll get faster and more accurately productive.

Do you want to actually create article content? Then begin writing and keep going, publishing everything you can.

How To Test The Effect Of Articles On Rankings

Use Your Expertise To Succeed Online

What's unique about you and your business that makes you different from others on the internet? You're expertise.

Are you subscribed to a lot of marketers' lists? But you only open some of them on a regular basis?

What's special about those you keep opening and reading? I believe it's because you find them trustworthy and that you see them as having expertise in your niche.

The others are left in the dust. Not only are you not opening them but most of their lists aren't either. The only way they keep it going is by having a churn of subscribes and unsubscribes as they sell quick-fix products. The ones you read are providing you with new information and perspectives on what you're aiming to do online.

If you're wanting to succeed then be expert in your niche. Learn all you can and keep learning.

To have expertise in your niche you need to spend time learning, taking action to do so in an intentional and planned way.
For example, buy your competitors' products. Imagine what you would know by the time you've gone through the top three products of the top competitors in your market. Think as an expert in your niche does, and take action as a person with that expertise.

How To Do Internet Marketing

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Your Fear Of Product Creation

Excuse the question but are you afraid of creating a product? If so, you're not alone. Have you come across a product for $97 that has so little real information you've had more in a free product? That is frightening.

Of course, creating a product should be an easy task. No worries. Here are some suggestions about creating your product easily.

What is your niche? What are people desperately seeking for in that niche? What are they looking for that they cannot find or be satisfied with? What is something nobody has not yet created? Who are the people who will buy it from you?

Having decided on the information that's needed, decide how you'll format it. Is it best to communicate it in writing in an ebook, or for people to listen to as an audio, or do you need to demonstrate something to them on video?

After these decisions:

First, think about your specific subject and write down everything you know about it. Separate out the really main ideas and number them by importance or by time order.

Second, under each main idea write down 5 to 10 sub-ideas related to it. The main ideas are the sections of your information product, and the sub-ideas your sub-sections. You might have at leas 25 ideas in total. For an audio or video, each section could a be a separate audio or video recording.

Third, start to write you ebook or make your audio or video. This can be the hard part for a lot of people: actually doing it. But you haven't got to do it all in one go, unless you choose to do so. You could just work one hour or two hours a day on it.

Don't be worried about style as it's the information people want. You might choose to do what you know best first, then work your way through to what you're weakest on. You can then re-order them in the final product. One thing is not to read from a script for audio or video which makes it seem stilted. From your notes, talk as naturally as you can, and learn from each day's
recording as you go through.

Fourth, when finished, edit where necessary for sense. Proof read an ebook for grammar, spelling and punctuation. But don't go overboard. As long as it makes sense and you've go your information across, that's what matters.

Finally, have a sales page telling the benefits of your product, and start selling.

Internet Marketing Pricing - The Truth

Thursday, 24 September 2015

How To Make Your Affiliate Profits

If you're finding it difficult to create your own product, or you have done so but you're not making any money, try using affiliate products.

You can make money from products sold by other people.

Here's the key to being able to do it: build a list related to the affiliate product and immediately start developing a relationship with them. GIve them the best information you have concerning what the product does or is about, and also about the niche it's in. Once they trust you enough, only then send them to an affiliate site which is excellent at doing its job.

Forget about any others. Remember you want sales, not creating lots of visits to websites.

Therefore, make sure:

First ,the product itself stands out, together with great service for the customer.

Second, the sales letter for the product has to be exceptional at selling the product.

Third, the affiliate program does what it says it does, including paying you on time and the exact amount you expect.

Fourth, the affiliate product connects well enough with your own product, so you can sell that in relation to it when you're ready.
Knowing all this, do not try to sell to your subscribers yourself, but make a recommendation to them through your emails.

Start Up As An Affiliate

Monday, 21 September 2015

Is Money Making Fast On The Internet?

It can be. But working online is not really that type of business. When you start, usually from a low base, there is little consistency. The money you make can vary day to day, just like your traffic. The more steady sales you have then any small changes don't have such a big effect on your income. With a small list and daily variations in visitor numbers means it's difficult to generate enough money.

The message is clear. Aiming to be rich fast online is a big risk. You'd need to be able to go without a decent income for several months at least. On the other hand, mapping your time out more steadily to learn as you go, and actually take the right actions, over time you'll have a business.

There are lots of schemes, methods, and tools promising you can use them to have riches fast. How can they promise this? Because they've done it themselves, and all you have to do, they say, is do exactly the same, and you'll have the same success. The trouble is what happens is that so many people are doing the same thing, soon everybody knows about it, and the method loses its effect.

Each business is different and individual. If lots of people are doing exactly the same actions, with the same website and emails, the market becomes flooded and the attempt to build your own business on it has no power. Think about it the other way round. Imagine that you have run a successful online business for years, and you decide to sell up. Sell to one person and that one person could make a go of simply following your methods and systems and have their own success. But what if you sell to one hundred people, or one thousand? Any buyer has all that competition in exactly the same situation. Probably nobody would succeed, even though the original business was a good one.

The Slow Burn To Online Success

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Are You Top Heavy With Information?

It's a maze, isn't it? There's so much information online now, you no sooner start to go through what looks interesting and relevant to you, when hours have passed. Guess what? You're no further forward with your business. You're still stuck in that maze, trying to find a way out to online business freedom.

You're bound to feel weighed down by it, and most people just keep adding to that weight on a daily basis. Are you getting emails day in and day out telling you about the latest greatest thing to have come out? You might actually know a lot from your searching through information online but still no action is taken.

Online business at its core is very simple, as it should be. Create a product, then sell it. Or sell somebody else's product.

It's literally a waste of time looking for the mythical magic button, method, scheme or whatever. You just get deeper and deeper into the maze until you don't know where you are. And you've got all this stuff you're carrying around in your head.

Start with selling. If you haven't got your own product yet, sell as an affiliate or buy a product you can sell as your own.

Here's a simple plan.

Put up a squeeze page with a form from your autoresponder service to collect people's emails. Keep building your list using this and other squeeze pages you create.

What can you inform them about and teach them about? Whatever it is, and however small your knowledge is, tell them about it so it's useful to them. Don't see them as people to keep sending offers to. Instead develop a useful relationship with them.

Help them with their problems in your niche. Plus, make offers of what you know are good products.

When you think you have a good relationship with your list, and feel you can continue to build it, then make your own product. You can then make that an offer to your list.

You'll see you do  not need a sales page of any kind at first because you are sending people to the product owner's sales page. You can focus on list building. To do that send the people who click your links to your squeeze page first, and then send them from there to the product sales page.

If you don't have the money to spend on buying traffic, or don't want to do that, do it through content marketing which is free of money costs. However, there is a time cost, plus it's slower and more sporadic than paying for traffic.

Long Term Business Means Having A List

Friday, 18 September 2015

Why You Need An Email Series

In effect, your list is your business into the future. It's your key asset that could be said to be your business. Why? On the list are your buyers. That is, if you've built a trusting relationship with them and your products are credible. Trying to convert visitors cold to your website is not a good idea. It's much better if they know some of your contents and style of working already. The internet is getting faster and they may not stay to read your sales page, if they don't know you.

Marketers aiming to sell to individual visitors might have the greatest product in their niche. But it's difficult to create trust and credibility with one page to someone who has never come across you before. If the visitor does not buy first time, they probably won't return to your site. Meanwhile, you have your list that you can keep on communicating with and sending offers they're looking for. Even if your site disappears for some reason, you've still got the list.

Create an email sequence. Pretend you're writing to someone you know, a friend or relative. Make it clear at first what the list covers. If it's about tropical fish but only of certain types, then tell them. If you intend making some offers at times, tell them that too.

Then you could send a emails spread over a few days giving them useful information about your niche or specific subjects in it. Ask your subscribers what they'd like to know from you to succeed in the niche. Their replies can give you contents for 2 or 3 further emails, providing the specific information they're looking for.

In this way, when you have a good enough relationship with them, you begin making offers that will be helpful to them. But not making these offers every email. Mix them in with your emails with valuable information.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Expertise Is Essential For Your Long Term Business

It is essential that you have expertise in your niche. It's the foundation of your information business, whatever form that takes for you. You have to be enough of an expert so that prospects can accept that you have enough expert knowledge to help them aciheve their online goals. It's of no consequence how great a product or service you have. If prospects can't see you as an expert in the niche they won't become customers.

You must demonstrate your expertise through your content such as articles, posts in forums and your website. Answer people's questions, responding to them as fully as you can. If you get stuck, work out how to find the answer. Provide proper information that if they take action on coherently will give them some results they want.

How do you find the knowledge to be an expert?

1 Find every bit of information online about your speciality. There's probably lots of it and will give you the basics, or more. You'll have to keep making sense of it as you gather it.

2 Go to a good library and get 6 to 20 books about or related to your niche. Read the most informative ones (look at the contents page and index) first, then you scan the others.

3 If you've been organizing your information as you go along, you'll be able see anything that's still missing. Check on Amazon and other book sites, and buy any that look useful to you. Also, go to offline bookshops and do the same. There might even be a forum in your niche where there has been a discussion with recommendations of where to go for niche knowledge.

You want it to be clear to your prospects that you have expertise, or enough of it, that they need and want. So, get the knowledge you need and give it to them.

Personal Requirements To Build A List

KnowYour Mindset In Order To Succeed

Before you even begin your online business your mindset about it and towards it is the critical factor. No amount of tools and courses and advice can make you succeed. You need to have the feeling of wanting to succeed at your business and to have the skills to do so. The two things are often inter-linked. People can't get that needed sense that they can do it, because they haven't got the skills to do it. They feel they don't know enough. Or they learn lots, and keep on learning, because they haven't asked themselves if they really want an online business. In that case, all the skills and knowledge in the world won't be much use.

In terms of what I've said, what's missing is persistent action. No action results in no personal learning taking place as to it being your own business, and developing it in your own way. And you have to keep doing it on a day to day basis. Your knowledge cannot action itself. You need to do it. You need time created each day to work on your business.

To succeed online.

First, know that you want to do and what you want to achieve. Devise a goal as to what sort of business you want to create. You can always adjust as you go along, learning and experiencing more. Have a plan to get there. Again, adjustable.

Be ambitious, if you want to be, but also realistic. For example, when you've just started, you won't have a big list by next month, and maybe even by next year. However, once you have a reasonable list, you can become more ambitious, if you want to, because you know what to do and what works for you.

Second, think about if you wanted a specific job offline. Let's say you wanted to be an electrician. You're definite about your goal. So, you go to where you can learn about how to become one. You learn about and practice it.

There's lots of knowledge about being an electrician. Just like lots of other offline occupations. Go on a course and you're given it. But for online business, which hasn't been around anywhere near as long, there's not the same amount available. Plus plenty of it can be misleading. I mean, you'd realize pretty quickly if you weren't being taught about electrical work in the proper way. But with online business it can be hard to tell truth from hype.

Third, determination and persistence to get to where you want to be in your business are important. For instance, the trainee electrician has a test part way through the course, turns up all ready to give it their best shot, and fails. They have to decide: do they stop trying or get over that problem and carry on? So, with your online business, you don't just want to be hoping everything will work out ok. You need to plan for it and work on it. Of course, it could mean changes in your life in order to do that.

Fourth, you have to take intentional action. Some people learn more and more and never do anything with it. Some people are always looking at websites, blogs, emails, forums, and so it goes on. They might know a lot but never do anything with that knowledge. They always think they need more. But the key ingredient is to take action and learn from what does and doesn't work for you.

Why Creating Your Own Product Is Important

When you're dependent on other people providing what you need in your online business, you're in danger of losing control of it, including losing out on profits you could make. The money you make is much better all round coming from what you own rather than somebody else doing so. The ideal is to be the owner of all aspect of your business. That is much more difficult, for example, with having your own own host or autoresponder. But you can have your own products, methods of marketing, list, and website.

Without ownership, aren't you simply growing the other person's business for them? For instance, if you don't have a website but place all your content, and the focus of your business, on someone else's site, you're giving away a basic asset that is vital to you're having a long term business. Even if you sell products as an affiliate, you only get a certain percentage of the revenue. Plus if you don't send the prospect to your squeeze page first, you don't even get their email and you're not building your list.

If you don't make your own product, then buy one you can sell as your own, and begin selling it. Always promote your website as the primary source of information, services or whatever you're selling. In the same way, create your own system for promoting and selling, and most important, your own list.

Of course, you can still sell affiliate products. But do it as only a part of your system of selling, and only promote them to your list. Again, when you're starting you might use ideas from another marketer's system or course but with the intention of developing your own as your business grows.

Focus on, and use intentional actions, to build your own business as your primary goal.

Repurposing Content

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Personal Reuirements To Build A List

Developing a big list where subscribers respond to your emails, advice and offers requires a lot of work, time and testing. There are not many with a quality list of over ten thousand subscribers. Do you want to do it? The odds are that you can, and as you're here, I presume a need to do so.

However, most people give up early. One month in and they have one hundred opt ins, plus only a few dollars to show for it. Would you stop then? On the other hand, would you be determined to increase those numbers the following month to three hundred? Then 700? And go on until you've reached your goal, maybe 10000?

Put in the work and time required and it's possible to get to a few thousand subscribers after several months. Then if you tested your email sequences, and mailing patterns, it's possible to be getting one dollar a month, every month, for each subscriber.

List building takes effort, intention and time. You can't do it on weekends and see how it goes. You need at least five thousand subscribers so that you're testing has clear and accurate results you can base your future work on. The real question is: do you want an online business or a pastime?

Using Your Squeeze Page For Building Your List

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Write Your First Ebook Product

The first thing to do is to make a list of 20 subjects you have some knowledge or quality information about in your niche. These are your main areas or ideas. Under each main idea write 3 to 5 sub-ideas.

Now you have decide which main area or idea will the most appropriate one to write about. Consider this in terms of the needs and wants in your niche. But also choose where you have got most information and the best quality information. Also, choose an area you'll feel most comfortable to write about.

Having chosen one main area, under each of the sub-ideas you wrote earlier, now put 5-10 ideas you'll be able to cover for each sub-idea. This gives you up to 50 parts for your ebook.

Think about whether you can write a paragraph or short section about each sub-idea. You probably can if you have some knowledge of the subject as a whole. That will give you a lot of information to pass on to your reader.

However, don't just fill up space. You want to pass on useful information. Preferably, you want the reader to finish reading and then be able to take some action to further their goals. A short very informative and useful ebook is better than a long so-so useful ebook. For example, an original one page ebook could be sold for $97 or more. A rambling ebook just filling up space might only be worth giving away, and even then it may not be worth reading.

At this point, begin your writing of the ebook. Wherever you write your ebook, first put a list of all your main ideas and sub-ideas. Then you can write straight under them, giving you a sense of real progress.

Create content on the easiest ideas first. The ones where you feel most confident and have most ideas. If you finish those and move onto others realizing you could do with more information, then find that through research. When you've done all the sections or chapters, have a read through, thinking about the order you'vep ut them in. You might want to leave them as they are or change them around a bit.

Finish off by checking the spelling and grammar. Avoid trying to rewrite parts. Just correct any of these types of mistake.

You could then set up the contents page, including numbering the pages themselves so information can be easily found.

Here's An Easy Way To Write An Ebook

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Here's An Easy Way To Write An Ebook

Ask people what was the first product they thought of creating and they'll probably say it was an ebook. Are you having the same thought? You know a lot, or have found out a lot, about your topic, yet you just can't get going with it. Plenty of people actually start writing and then stop dead having hardly done anything. Is that you? In this article I'll go through the way to get that ebook written. The only thing that might hold you up is how long a time you can spend on it.

First, your ebook must have a focus, so get the topic clear in your mind. If you haven't got a topic, think about what you know in your niche, or you could learn about, that most people in it don't know about. Make a list. Write down every possibility. Don't try to choose yet. When you have a list, choose the topics, or parts of topics, you know about more fully and in detail. Then, cut that list in half in the same way. Then, cut it in half again, choosing topics you'd like to spend time on writing about. Choose one. Don't falter but keep to your decision. If you have ideas for other topics you didn't choose this time, write an ebook on them next time.

Second, taking your chosen topic, write down what you know about it.

Third, organize those ideas by picking out the main ideas you can use. Then, under each main idea, put a list of 5 to 10 sub-ideas. This is your outline. You simply write the ebook from it.

Fourth, just simply start writing. You need not start at the beginning, looking ahead to all the rest you'll have to write. Instead, imagine each section or chapter as a separate piece of writing like an article. Write one section at a time, in any order. You can put them in order of your outline at the end. You could start with what you find easiest to write about, and the next easiest, and so, until you're finished. However you do it, just keep writing, and soon it will be all complete.

This is an easy way of working, as long as you actually do it. Allow a certain amount of time each day to get on with it. Three pages each day gives you 90 pages in a month. A year later you'd have written over 1000 pages. How many ebooks, that is products, would that make?

Repurposing Content

Create Your Valuable Online Products

I'm sure you've come across some online marketers with lots, even hundreds, of their own products. They make some money from each of them. Yet there are other marketers who struggle to make their first product.

Why is that?

Because these marketers with many products, created their first one, and realized they could do it, especially when people were willing to buy or download it. They could then  go on with some confidence to think up other ones, and so more and more. They can make products that fit people's needs and wants in their niche.

How do you begin?

What do you know a lot about? What are you especially good at? In your niche, what products do people need? What knowledge do you have now, perhaps through long experience, that you would have paid for earlier?

Make a list of the kinds of products you might make using your knowledge.

It's not difficult to create a PDF ebook or an audio or a video, once you decide what information you'll provide in the product to help people in your niche.

Make an outline list of all the main ideas you'll include. Decide on the reason you're creating it. If any of your ideas do not fit with that reason, then leave it out. In other words, you're giving the product a clear focus.

With the outline done, just start writing. Write what will be in the PDF or what you'll say on the audio or what you'll say in or over the video. It's very important to just start creating the content. You can alter and improve what you want once you've got it set out in front of you. Most people who have the intention to have a product, never even begin writing.

Your Information Products Can Make You Money

Friday, 4 September 2015

Create A Product From Information You Already Have

Not created your first information product yet? Then read on to find out how to generate ideas and actually make your first product.

First, make a decision as what topic the product will be about. Also, what will you tell them about the topic? You could choose a topic you know about in your niche or related to your site. Not in this situation? Then ask yourself what you have some good knowledge or experience about. Maybe you're better at something than most people you know or maybe it's been commented on how good you are at a topic.

Second, keep it simple. Avoid trying to be over-ambitious with lots of parts to it or hours of videos. Make it quite a small product. You might use it as a freebie or sell it as a cheap item. But it must be valuable to the people who take it. So it must be made up of solid usable information. This will let you see what you can do and begin to think of larger products. On top of that, if you plan it too big the odds are it'll never get finished. That means you're more likely to give up on the idea of creating any more.

Third, when you've chosen your topic, decide what form it'll take. What's the best way for your information to be presented? Most people opt for a PDF ebook. But it could be in the form of an audio, including on CD as a physical product. Or if you're demonstrating some actions to do, a video is best.

Fourth, now you know the form of the product, you need to create an outline of your information. So, list all the main ideas you want to cover about your topic. Under each main heading put a list of related ideas, so that you're getting into the detail of the topic in an organized way.

Fifth, using your outline for a PDF write a few paragraphs about each of the related ideas for each main idea. Put an introduction and an ending for each set of related ideas paragraphs and for the main idea parts. For an audio, you could note some particular phrases you want to use, but try to just talk from the outline so it all sounds as natural as possible. For a video, each stage in what actions you're showing has to be clear and fit with your outline, so you can, again, speak using the outline.

Sixth, all the above is the easy part. Planning can be excellent but it still has to actually be done. You might be frightened it will be no good and you'll feel you've wasted you time and effort. But very few people create their own product so you're well ahead of the game even if it's not as good as you wanted it. Also, you'll know how to do the next product even better.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

What To Do For Your Internet Marketing Success

Plenty of people dream and even plan on making money on the internet. But most people don't make any money. Have you noticed how many internet marketing products there are and how they sell? The people who buy them repeatedly aren't making any money.

Well, how is it possible to generate money with internet marketing?

In one sense it's simple. Like anything else you want to achieve you need to be focused on it and to be persistent. You've probably achieved things that way in your life already.

But the problem with marketing on the web is that there is a constant churn of new products being promoted. They all promise to make you money if you just buy them.

Those who purchase one, just about begin to see how the product can help and what they have to do. Unfortunately, it doesn't generate any money after a week or two. So, they give up on it and go buy something else to help them.

What such people don't realize is that you have to be persistent. They need to be an expert in one topic or skill. It's the experts who are thriving.

So, choose an area, and learn how to be an expert in it. That will make you successful online.

Here's what to do.

First, choose what you're going to do and take action.

Second, track what you do and your results. Test it all. Don't leave things to chance. You need to know exactly what actions to repeat to get success.

Third, be the best you can be in your area of expertise. In reality, customers do not purchase products. They buy information. They're more likely to buy from an expert in that area than someone hyping their latest product.

Fourth, spread your information across the web so people can benefit from it. Create informative articles. Create an informative website. If your free information is credible, more people will want to see more, including the paid information.

Fifth, work on your business each day, creating content and building it up. 

Start Online With Nothing And Make Money

How To Test The Effect Of Articles On Rankings

Search engines play a key role for free traffic, and in generating clicks. Articles are important in getting good rankings in the search engines.

This is the idea.

Write a relevant article about your website niche. Put a link back to the site. Place the article on a high ranking site. People who visit and use the site see your article. Plus some sites use RSS feeds.

The effect is that your article is viewed by targeted readers as well as being sent wider through RSS. This enables the engines to give your website a higher ranking because of the link at the end of the article.

Now, you can complicate this by writing unique articles for lots of sites already recognized by the search engines. And connecting your content together. It's best if you test this for yourself. Try the following.

First, create several unique articles.

Second, put a link at the end of each one. Try using a keyword you have for your website or one that fits the article.

Third, find unique article titles by typing some into Google, in quotes. Keep changing one that is the least used until it comes up as not being used by someone else.

Fourth, put the articles onto separate high ranking sites such as free blogs, social sites, other blogs, and so on.

Fifth, wait a few days and search for articles in quotes in Google. Check them for about a month. Keep a record of the number of times each article is in the search results, anywhere from number 1 to 100. You should be pleasantly informed by the numbers. Why not drop me an email?

Do You Want Mad Traffic To Your Website?

That is, the sort of traffic that is in the mass. It's so much it's of no concern anymore where exactly the sources are. On top of that, 50% of them sign up to your list on a daily basis. A larger percentage then purchase your products. That traffic is mad.

How do you get it?

First, you'll have to dig in to to get it. Think in the mass. One article or a few will not do it. You need to be working at it daily.

Second, in  addition you contribute to niche forums every day. Respond to others' posts with useful information you have some knowledge of. Avoid trying to advertise your site in your posts. Lead them to click your link by providing regular quality information and help to members.

Third, if you're using paid traffic, set up to stretch yourself  on Pay Per Click (PPC). But keep a tight watch on your costs and return for the money you spend. Drop it if you're not getting enough profit. Try another campaign on PPC or leave it.

Fourth, give away a product which is easily one that could be sold. Make it a valuable product for your subscribers. Or give it away without having to subscribe, and tell them to give it away too. Ensure you have important links in it for your own sites and products.

Fifth, make a mad offer to joint venture partners. Make sure all customers get to your website. And then, that customers join your list.

Sixth, create as many links as you can from other sites, avoiding any easy backlink methods where you're paying for them. Aim to get genuine links that will prove their worth.