Friday, 4 September 2015

Create A Product From Information You Already Have

Not created your first information product yet? Then read on to find out how to generate ideas and actually make your first product.

First, make a decision as what topic the product will be about. Also, what will you tell them about the topic? You could choose a topic you know about in your niche or related to your site. Not in this situation? Then ask yourself what you have some good knowledge or experience about. Maybe you're better at something than most people you know or maybe it's been commented on how good you are at a topic.

Second, keep it simple. Avoid trying to be over-ambitious with lots of parts to it or hours of videos. Make it quite a small product. You might use it as a freebie or sell it as a cheap item. But it must be valuable to the people who take it. So it must be made up of solid usable information. This will let you see what you can do and begin to think of larger products. On top of that, if you plan it too big the odds are it'll never get finished. That means you're more likely to give up on the idea of creating any more.

Third, when you've chosen your topic, decide what form it'll take. What's the best way for your information to be presented? Most people opt for a PDF ebook. But it could be in the form of an audio, including on CD as a physical product. Or if you're demonstrating some actions to do, a video is best.

Fourth, now you know the form of the product, you need to create an outline of your information. So, list all the main ideas you want to cover about your topic. Under each main heading put a list of related ideas, so that you're getting into the detail of the topic in an organized way.

Fifth, using your outline for a PDF write a few paragraphs about each of the related ideas for each main idea. Put an introduction and an ending for each set of related ideas paragraphs and for the main idea parts. For an audio, you could note some particular phrases you want to use, but try to just talk from the outline so it all sounds as natural as possible. For a video, each stage in what actions you're showing has to be clear and fit with your outline, so you can, again, speak using the outline.

Sixth, all the above is the easy part. Planning can be excellent but it still has to actually be done. You might be frightened it will be no good and you'll feel you've wasted you time and effort. But very few people create their own product so you're well ahead of the game even if it's not as good as you wanted it. Also, you'll know how to do the next product even better.

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