Before you even begin your online business your mindset about it and towards it is the critical factor. No amount of tools and courses and advice can make you succeed. You need to have the feeling of wanting to succeed at your business and to have the skills to do so. The two things are often inter-linked. People can't get that needed sense that they can do it, because they haven't got the skills to do it. They feel they don't know enough. Or they learn lots, and keep on learning, because they haven't asked themselves if they really want an online business. In that case, all the skills and knowledge in the world won't be much use.
In terms of what I've said, what's missing is persistent action. No action results in no personal learning taking place as to it being your own business, and developing it in your own way. And you have to keep doing it on a day to day basis. Your knowledge cannot action itself. You need to do it. You need time created each day to work on your business.
To succeed online.
First, know that you want to do and what you want to achieve. Devise a goal as to what sort of business you want to create. You can always adjust as you go along, learning and experiencing more. Have a plan to get there. Again, adjustable.
Be ambitious, if you want to be, but also realistic. For example, when you've just started, you won't have a big list by next month, and maybe even by next year. However, once you have a reasonable list, you can become more ambitious, if you want to, because you know what to do and what works for you.
Second, think about if you wanted a specific job offline. Let's say you wanted to be an electrician. You're definite about your goal. So, you go to where you can learn about how to become one. You learn about and practice it.
There's lots of knowledge about being an electrician. Just like lots of other offline occupations. Go on a course and you're given it. But for online business, which hasn't been around anywhere near as long, there's not the same amount available. Plus plenty of it can be misleading. I mean, you'd realize pretty quickly if you weren't being taught about electrical work in the proper way. But with online business it can be hard to tell truth from hype.
Third, determination and persistence to get to where you want to be in your business are important. For instance, the trainee electrician has a test part way through the course, turns up all ready to give it their best shot, and fails. They have to decide: do they stop trying or get over that problem and carry on? So, with your online business, you don't just want to be hoping everything will work out ok. You need to plan for it and work on it. Of course, it could mean changes in your life in order to do that.
Fourth, you have to take intentional action. Some people learn more and more and never do anything with it. Some people are always looking at websites, blogs, emails, forums, and so it goes on. They might know a lot but never do anything with that knowledge. They always think they need more. But the key ingredient is to take action and learn from what does and doesn't work for you.
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