Monday, 27 February 2017

Online Business Success Via Email Marketing

Too many marketers simply get people on their list and storm them daily with offers. Think of the effect of this. Yes, you need to send regular emails in order to keep in touch with subscribers but those subscribers have joined up because they are willing to receive emails from you. Some people send SPAM emails, not even bothering to get the receiver's acceptance. Emails should not be a series of sales letters pushed into people's inboxes, or spam folders.

Build a list so subscribers will accept your email campaigns and not a series of daily sales letters. Subscribers do sometimes forget they have signed up so it's worth putting something at the top of your emails reminding them they did in fact do so.

Email marketing campaigns are the key to a successful online business. Even if you have a great niche product, you have to have buyers of it. Your email campaign has to help subscribers and convince them why your product is important to them. By exposing them to your offer repeatedly over time, it's more likely they will buy. Of course, this presumes you've built your list of people interested in your niche and your type of offers.

The list of subscribers is, in effect, your market, who have shown an interest in what you have to offer and want more information from you. Use different types of email, as well as offer emails, in your campaign so that subscribers are informed, educated, and some things made clear for them, as well as receiving the offer.

Click the link to read: List Build To Make Profits

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Website - Know Your Statistics

Do you know what your website statistics mean? There are plenty of tools and software and services to check what's happening on your site.

Here are 4 to look for.

Hits to your site.
This is when a visitor asks for information. Whatever you're using to check hits might not be giving results for one visitor but for any particular information. For instance, someone lands on your page with a couple of images on it. The visitor can be seen as 3 hits - one because of being on the page and 2 for copying each image.

Unique visitors to a page or site are just what it says. It doesn't matter how many pages they go to, you get the count of visitors who are unique on the site or page. This statistic is key to know for your website traffic calculations.

Pages information tells you the number of pages on your site that have been visited. You want  the number of pages seen to be of higher value than the number of visitors, as this means visitors went to more than one page. You might be able to find out as well, the number of views of a specific page.

Entry and exit pages are where the visitor came into your site and went out of your site. This can be key in knowing what brought them to your site in the first place. Then with exiting, you can see which page they left from and so maybe why they went away. For instance, search engines will see you as having a high bounce rate if people enter at the home page and then leave by the same page. But if they leasve from your "Contact Us" page they might be considering getting more information from you that can lead to sales.

It can be said the internet marketing is the activity of collecting, analyzing and acting on such statistics.

Click to watch: Put Google Analytics Into Your Site

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Sales Letter - Composing One

Creating a successful sales letter can have a basic formula. Of course, you must include your own visitors' needs and wants, including any specific points relating to them, and your own product offer. Still, there are some basic elements.

Here is a list of things to put in your sales letter.

First, the important thing is to get the person to buy, so keep the letter to the point.
Forget about using good-sounding filler, extra offers, or ads. Concentrate on what they need to know about the offer and the benefits to them.

Second, they won't read anything past the heading unless it catches and keeps their attention. It must indicate that it's worth them reading more.

Third, tell them the purpose of your letter, including if you're sending the offer in an email. Clarify what the main benefit for them is.

Fourth, list further benefits - about how it will save them time and/or save them money. And maybe how it will make something easier for them, so  there's less stress and uncertainty.

Fifth, make the offer credible by putting in testimonials.

Sixth, give assurance to them that they need not worry about committing their money
. You guarantee will return their money in a certain time-frame if they change their mind. Again, testimonials could be used with emphasis on the security of your guarantee.

Seventh, press them for time. Directly tell them to pay straight away. You might have a time when the offer disappears or the price increases, and maybe with a timer showing how long they have.

Eighth, directly ask or tell them to buy now.

Ninth, make their decision a positive one by telling them they will not regret it and how it will change what they do.

Tenth, go through bit by bit about how to make the order. Make it so clear and obvious that anyone could follow your instructions and carry them out.

Eleventh, again, ask or tell them to buy the offer.

Click the link to read: Converting Your Subscribers To Your Customers

Friday, 17 February 2017

Opt In Page - Optimizing An Opt in Page

You get people to click through to your opt in page, and once there you only have seconds to get their attention so that they sign up to your list. So you want to have it optimized as best you can in order to get that result. The only reason to have an opt in page is to get the name and email of the visitor.

There should be no other distractions. The page needs to have a heading, some bullet points, and a form for them to join your list.

Use relevant keywords on the page to aim to let the search engines know what it's about, as well as to catch the attention of your visitors. No doubt people will only scan the page. Therefore, make most important keywords and information stand out in some way such as bolding or coloring. Use keywords in the bullets so you give the reader brief pointers about your offer.

Words and phrases to make stand out are those which point out and emphasize how your product or information is different from others'. In fact, you want them to understand quickly that you provide the best offer on these. Point them to the sign up form and encourage them to fill it out.

The above are some useful suggestions but you can optimize your opt in page in different ways. Test and track to see what works best for you.

However, do make it a straightforward page. For example, don't use keywords so much that it looks over the top as people scan through it. You only have seconds to get their attention and to decide to fill in the form. Give the information you need to give them so it's to the point. You want them to sign up and add a subscriber to your list. That way lie more profits for you.

Click to read: How To Use Squeeze Pages

SEO - Off Your Site

SEO (SEarch Engine Optimization) off your site means using other places to attract people to your site. When you put content, or other material, using your keywords on those other sites, then place a link in it back to your website. Getting such links are still a key part of SEO, whether you put them on blogs, social sites, niche directories, or video sites.

Attracting visitors to your site is vital for getting traffic, and making money, from your site. You will have optimized on site and this off page work will enhance that work. You could still be effective in your online business without it but with it you go to a different level of effectiveness.

You want to generate as much revenue as you can from your online business. Therefore, if you're using search marketing, you have to choose whether to use off page links or not. You need to have: links going from your site to other sites as well as from them to you, and relevant keywords for pages you create. The internet is vast, so you want to use all the means you can to attract people to your own site, or else you can be left in limbo.

Click to watch: Create Posts And Optimize For SEO

Monday, 13 February 2017

SEO - Some Basic Pointers

SEO (search engine optimization) is still a crucial part of your marketing. You need SEO on page and off page, and be organized to do it.

There is still plenty of information around on SEO that tells about actions to take which are not always that critical, and maybe once were but aren't now. Check Google's updated advice and websites you can trust to give you relevant information that you need. Find out as exctly as you can what you need to do for your site and target those things. You don't want to be spending your precious time on stuff that's just not worth doing.

Here are some pointers as at the time of writing.

There is only a small percentage of relevance to your on page optimization.
But you still have to do it to get the best effect you can. The biggest percentage is your off page optimization but this can be negatively affected if you ignore the on page stuff.

On Page

Choose your keywords for the page content. Put them or it into you title, the description of your page (this might be used in the search results for your site), in your content but maybe even only once. You might want to put keywords in your header tag too though this doesn't seem to be as important as it once was. In effect, your on page optimization is letting the search engine crawlers know what your page and website are focused on. The off page optimization is really how the engines decide where to put you in the search results.

Off Page

This is about getting links linking to your page and site
. You do not want to force this, as if the search engines think you have set up an artificial way of getting lots of links fast then they will demote you. Create content and publish on other sites such as social sites or as guest blogging, for example.

Also, find niche directories and add your site to those. Look to a long term plan to add backlinks to your site over time.

Click the link to watch: Create Posts And Optimize For SEO

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

SEO - On Your Site And Off It

You need SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for you business today. Search engines might send most of your traffic if you're optimized well enough.

It does cost you in time or money or both to do SEO but you're not paying anything if they give you traffic to your site. In that sense it's worth the effort to get your posts and pages set up for them.

On page.

Make sure your keyword appears in the title of your page
. Though not so important now, have your keyword in the keyword tag. Your description could be used in the search results, so make sure it tells what the page is about. Then, the page content should be relevant to the title and set out clearly so search engine spiders can get a sense of what it's about. Just create your page straightforwardly and don't worry about doing things wrong for the search engines. If you do that you'll easily avoid any mistakes. Trying to be clever on the page in order to try to trick the search engines will have a poor effect on how they see the page.

Off page.

For off page SEO, aim to get backlinks from other sites because of the content you have or because of content you have set up on other sites besides your own.

This is an easy method. Simple create relevant content, including keywords, and publish on high ranked sites. Have a link in that content that goes back to your site.

Click to read: Internet Marketing With Search Engines

Sunday, 5 February 2017

SEO - 4 Tips To Act On

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the key ways to get traffic to your site. You want people who are looking for what you offer, to be able to find you. Search engines can be the easiest way to do this.

Here are 4 tips as to what to do.

First, find out what Google and other search engines want from you
. Once you know then keep to their guidelines - give Google what it wants.

Second, keywords are a necessity in SEO because this is how people searching, find you. Keywords are words or terms they use to type into the search engines. The more these are in line, the more you'll get found.

Third, use relevant words in your titles that clearly indicate what that web page is about. Use keywords there so you can have better ranking in the searches, and, therefore more likely to be seen by searchers, and clicked.

Fourth, do a search yourself for information on other sites which have similar content to yours. This way you find competitors and how they're using keywords in their SEO. You can then use your SEO to better effect against your competition.

Click to read: Internet Marketing With Search Engines

Saturday, 4 February 2017

SEO Is Paying Worth It?

You need to use SEO (search engine optimization) to get traffic to your site. But is it worth paying for?

Of course, you can do it yourself for pretty well no cost. Then, if you want an SEO company to do it for you, there will be a price to pay, and that price can grow considerably. This is so because of the actions they have to take on your behalf.

Here are three.

1 They can make sure your copy is re-written.
In this you get keywords that they know the search engines will pick up on.

2 They can analyze your competition that are using those keywords too, as well as the same or similar products. Then they can make your keywords more targeted so they fit more with your products. Though not so important now, meta tags can be improved to fit in with your keywords use.

3 Then they will submit your site to important sites. Search engines will note the developments.

Now, costs can obviously go up for time and expertise to do these things. But you end up with a much more optimized site for the search engines, which will give better search results. In that way, as long as it leads to better profit results, it's worth paying for the work to be done.

Click to read: How To Use Search Engines In Internet Marketing

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Online Business - Why To Be Cautious

As you start getting into online business, you'll probably try out different things. Some you buy into you might find are not  what they seem or claim to be.

Here are some tips.

First, be careful about sending money to just anybody, and because they ask you for it.
If it's a franchise or white label type of business they might ask you to do this. But they should give you information as to why they need money straight away and what it is you're paying the money for.

Second, choose a topic in which you have an interest or will develop an interest. Imagine being involved in something for which you are not really bothered. There are a whole range of ways to make money online, or offline but still involving the internet. For example, providing a writing service, creating digital programs, giving advice and training on any topic you've enough experience in, or financial services, and so on. You need not be spending a lot of money to get set up and can make a regular income.

Third, always check out any promising businesses that can help or be of use to you. Do a search in Google and see what comes up. Also, search for any reviews, or sites on related topics. People there may have given their coments on it. You can use these as guides in deciding on your next action in relation to it.

To start, you simply need enough money to be at home and any basic online start up costs, such as for a site. Make sure you don't get into a situation where you're spending more than your taking in, or have reserves for over the short term start up period.

Click the link to read Are You Looking For Online Success? - Take Care