Sunday, 22 November 2015

Niche Concentration Is A Must

Going into online business? Then choose your niche first, and concentrate on it.

Then decide what products to sell in that niche. Are you selling products for dogs? You'll sell stuff like equipment such as leads, baskets, toys, as well as types of food. You'll also include information products on things such as house training, puppy care, and so on. But if you're concentrating on topics like baking or craft work in which you have an expertise, then you'll sell various types of information products teaching your expertise.

In your niche, what products will buyers be looking for, and can you provide them?

I ask these two questions because they help you to concentrate as intensely as possible on your niche and only your niche. Starting out, it's very tempting sometimes to aim for a whole plethora of products, thinking you'll make more money. It won't happen because all the different kinds of products means your market isn't targeted enough - you're aiming at too many different types of people looking for too many different kinds of products.

So, when you list build, you might have a general list of, for instance, beginners in your niche subject. But you'll also want targeted lists for the different aspects of your topic. When you send an offer in an email to a targeted list about the topic they're interested in, more people buy your offer.

Click the link to learn How You Can Focus Consistently

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