Thursday, 19 November 2015

Want To Write Your EbooK? Here's How

You first need to make sure you're clear what niche you're in. Then, within that niche, what subject the ebook will be about.

Once you have those two clearly sorted, make a list of up to 20 topics you want to write about to do with the overall subject. What can you help readers with best, and will show them yourself as an expert in the niche?

If this is a free ebook people will judge the potential value of your products based on it. Therefore, provide them with just as much knowledge overall as you would in a product you sell. Of course, your full product will probably be much longer and have more detail in it than the free ebook.

A common response is to worry about freely distributing such free information. If the ebook is a free one, make it a freebie for signing up to your list. Each of your opt ins should be worth a number of dollars to you, so this information is not wasted. Plus, if they can also give it away themselves with your links in, then you're getting free traffic from it.

Once you've decided on your 20 or less main topics, write a few hundred words about each of them. In each case, have an introduction to it, write about three or four sub-ideas realted to that main idea, then end with a conclusion reviewing those sub-ideas. When you've finished you'll have about 20 pages of clear and well organized information.

If you're going to let people who download it also be able to give it away, without changing it, put in links to a squeeze page of yours. Plus, you might want to include links to your own or affilite products you're recommending.

Read it through for spelling, punctuation and grammar. You could put a contents page: if so, also number the pages. Before the contents make it clear the reader can give it away as long as it's not changed. In addition, you might find that having produced, for example, 20 pages, that you could edit it into 2 separate ebooks of about ten pages each. Maybe one could be used as an unannounced bonus to the other free ebook. People prefer shorter free ebooks, as a quick read to easily get the gist of it. The important quality is the power of the information for the reader rather than being a lengthy read.

Convert it to a PDF document. You can do this easily in OpenOffice which is free, or in Word, or you can buy into a service like Adobe.

Now create a download page for it in whichever download system you're using, so when people sign up to your list they can click a link to download it, in your first email to them.

Click the link for more information on Ebook Internet Marketing

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