Thursday, 25 February 2016

Getting Clicks From Your Content

Creating content, in whatever format, is a strong way of generating traffic for your online business. However, it's still possible to find it difficult to get people to click your links in the content. That is, you want people who have gone throiugh your content to click the link to your site. In addtion, you want them to do this because the content has already sold them on your ability to help them in your niche, and on taking any freebie you're offering.

To do that, try this.

First, you must have a title that directly relates to what the content is about
. This is vital. Imagine yourself going to some content because of a title you've seen but the content is not what the title says it is. How do you feel? Probably cheated. Instead of building trust and credibility it removes any hope of them being generated by your content. They will not take your feebie or buy from you.

Second, you have to provide quality information. For instance, you might give a solution to a niche problem. You show your expertise by doing this. Your visitor is looking for someone who has more niche knowledge than they do, in order to get help from them.

Third, give them a valuable reason to click your link. This creates desire, especially in gaining more expert information to help them in their niche business.

Click the link for Get The Click In Your Article

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

How To Do Search Engine Optimization Of Your Site

Once search engine optimization of your website was seen as the key to getting traffic from the search engines. Today, that's not the case. You do basically need your site optimized but now the focus is more on the quality of content and backlinks to your site from other reputable websites.

People always claim to be finding loopholes to take advantage of but they're quickly filled by the search engines. Obviously, any weakness which is advertized in that way, the search engines will also find out about. So it's best to keep to the essentials when setting up your site and when you're creating your site content. Wordpress is the easiest platform for creating your own independent presence online.

There is onsite and offsite optimization.

Onsite, including in your posts, is about making the post an easier place for the search engines to get information about.

First, have your keyword for the content in your title. At the beginning still seems preferable.

Second, put the keyword in the description of the post. Search engines may use this or the meta tag in the search results.

Third, put it in the header tag.

Fourth, put it in the tag section.

Fifth, put it in the meta tag.

Sixth, limit the amount you use it in the actual content
. Keep it below 2% or even less.

Offsite optimization is about generating quality links to your site.

First, create more and better links than your top competition.

Second, create valuable content in any format and place it on high ranked sites. You might want to create some variety by placing on some less well ranked sites too. Have a link in the content back to your site.

Click the link for Do You Want To Start In Internet Marketing?

You Need Quality Traffic For Your Site

There are plenty of ways of getting traffic as such. You can pay for cheap traffic and get lots of visitors who do nothing. Better to aim for quality traffic that wants what you offer.

Of course, buying cheap traffic is much easier to get than quality traffic.

So, how do you get that quality?

Here are two ways that can do that.
First, traffic from search engines.

Second, attracting people through your content.

Actually, these work together. Plus you can have a process doing both more or less at the same time. Here's how.

First, provide content that people who are quality traffic will want to know about. For instance, in internet marketing, people want to know about list building. So you might have content about how to build a list faster, or with qualified prospects to be convertd to customers with your emails. You can then make them an offer with more detail and depth.

Second, put a link in your content to your site page with the offer or to subscribe to your list.

Third, publish your content on high ranking sites.

Click the link to read about Targeted Internet Marketing

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Building Your List - First Things To Do

Why is list building so important? Because you can send your visitor to your sales page, repeatedly if necessary, so they are able to buy from you.

Think about a sales letter that converts people to customers at one in every hundred visitors. You could send people there, and one in every hundred will take your offer each day. But most just leasve and you never see them again. However, when you send them to your squeeze page you get their email address so you communicate with them and regularly send them to the sales letter so they have multiple opportunities to buy your product.

Now think about it further. The sales letter keeps converting at 1%. But now each week you send the same 100 people to the letter. Now you get 1% of them to buy every week, not just one buyer. After ten weeks you'd have 10% conversions of unique site visitors.

Here are the first things to get started.

First, buy into a good autoresponder service.

Second, create a squeeze page with a freebie offer, and some brief information about the benefits of having that freebie. The only job of this page is to get visitors to give you their email in the form on the page. Get this form from your autoresponder service.

Third, get traffic to that page. You can use traffic from search engines and from your content you publish.

Click the link for Your List Building - The Basics

Write Emails As If To Individuals

Ever had a standardized email, so it feels as if a corporation is addressing you? You probably didn't read it unless it had some importance for you. People on your list want to feel you're writing to them individually and dealing with their individual concerns.

You might use their name at the start as standard in your autoresponder. But it won't be enough.

Use the way you express yourself as if writing to one person at a time, not a whole group of people. Avoid phrases such as " to all on my list" or "a freebie for you all". Replace those sorts of expressions with the word "you", or for you" or "your freebie".

If you continue be stuck on being able to do this, think of someone you know well and write the email to them, and only them. Create each email just for that one person.

Still stuck? Get that person you know to join your list so that they can actually read your emails, as if to them only, and tell you whether it was personal as far they were concerned, and not a standardized one. That way, you are actually writing to one person.

Read about What Is Your Email Success? Click the link.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Internet Marketing Funnel - A Basic Outline

The point about a funnel is to have a series of products offered to customers one after the other as they buy them. These products are increasingly valuable to customers, and increase in price. There has to be an increase in  trust in you too so that they keep on buying.

Think about starting with your first products in the funnel. These will be your freebie and your first paid product. Both of these, including your freebie for opting in to your list, are the first products in your funnel. They pay for the freebie with their email.

Providing both these products give customers more value than the price, it's more likely customers will buy more from you. Obviously, even the freebie must have more value for them.

You will be assessed by your freebie and cheaper product. That is, customers will make an assessment as to how good they think your future offers will be worth by these cheaper ones. In other words, if you received a cheaper or free product that lacked value for you, even at that price, would you then pay the same person for a $97 product? I'm sure you'd want to think about it first.

The funnel then gives customers more and more value as they go through it. For that reason, you can use increasingly higher pricing.

You might also like The Product Launch Attitude. Click the link.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Build Your List - Opt In Page For List Building

An opt in page with a form for subscribers to give their email address is the key part of building your list.

However, do you have it as a separate page, or put your opt in form on your site pages?

You can do both. Give visitors every opportunity to join your list, no matter what page of your site they're on. Test this to see its effect in your business. Also, have a separate page which has the only purpose of getting people to sign up.

Make it the page visitors come to when they want to look round your site. Many, if not most, people will opt in to get to see the content on your site.

Still offer a freebie on the opt in page, either related to the content they've come from, or related to your niche. That way people are encouraged to opt in to get the freebie whereas if there seems no relation to the site or content they've arrived from, they may sign up but quite quickly unsubscribe.

Click the link for: Build Your List After You Have An Opt In Page

Traffic - Traffic For List Building

Building your list is one of the best ways to generate revenue in your online business. However, you have to get things right. For example, if you have everthing set up but your email content is not effective you won't get good open rates or clicks on your links. Or if your opt in page does not produce sign ups you have no subscribers to make offers to. Poor traffic generation means you can't lead on to sales. Each bit has to fit and work together.

You need a particular sort of traffic in order to get subscribers that become customers. You might have ads of all sorts but does the traffic convert to subscribers?

Which is better for your business? 100 daily visitors with 10 sign ups and 3 customers from them? Or 50 visitors daily, and 20 become subscribers and 10 of those become customers? You could have much bigger traffic numbers yet only 1% opt in to your list.

You want traffic that converts to subscribers and then to customers. You want as direct link as possible between your traffic generation and sales. To do that you need to pre-sell your traffic, gaining trust that you have what they need, and those elements increasing through reading your emails so that they're willing to buy from you.

This is the traffic you get with content marketing. They go through your content, are interested what you present to them, and maybe try some of your ideas in their business. At some point they click your link on some content, and get a valuable freebie when the subscribe to your list. You can then keep communicating with them and make them offers, building the trust even further.

Click the link for 3 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Niche Site

Monday, 1 February 2016

Niche Market - Build Your List Too

Niche marketers can still feel that there's not all that much for them in list building. They think it's ok for big markets like internet marketing but hardly worth the bother in their own market. But they could be leaving money on the table.

If you're in a niche market and not list building, have you ever considered this? You have your site, and you consider yourself a small competitor. You don't make all that much, and it could be that's ok with you.

Of course, it's your business, and you can take that view if you want to. However, let's take a quite extreme example where you only have 10 visitors a day. Not much chance from making any decent money from that?

Yet, work it out. 10 x 365 is 3,650 people to your site each year. Let's say one quarter become your subscribers to your list. That's  912 people on your list. There's no extra work. You're simply getting those people to opt in to your list from the traffic you have.

The usually accepted math on this to make $1 every month for each person on your list. You don't need me to work out that amount. And there's no extra traffic needed.

Start list building in your small niche market.

Here's more information on this: How To Do Marketing To Your List. Click the link.