Monday, 4 April 2016

Content Marketing - The Website Needs You Too

You create content to get traffic to your site.

However, the site on which you put that content needs you just as much as you need it. You're best using high ranking sites. That means they're already getting plenty of traffic. But to keep getting it they need new content for the search engines to pick up on.

Also, once you've published it, someone might link to it from their own site. This means more traffic to your content if it's found to be valuable enough to recommend it.

When your piece of content is in the search results, the link in it back to your site is back to an individual page, not the whole site.Therefore, get as many links as you can to as many pages as you can. Create content that goes into different topics of your niche or site, and not about them generally. The backlinks, then, go back to related and relevant site pages.

Keep in mind to create content to generate traffic and keep the interest of the person going through it. They must find it useful and easy to get through. Don't forget you only have a few seconds in which they decide to continue or click away.

Read more at: Your Content Marketing Gives You The Traffic Edge

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