Content that people like or are interested in gives you credibility. When someone goes through some of your content, like the one you're reading, it effects people's view of you. But it could be video, audio, a webinar, or an instagraphic.
However, it's not just a case of creating that content. You want to make it so the visitor feels driven to click your link. The content has to be useful to the visitor, and the best content to have is content they can't easily get elsewhere on the internet.
Try these steps in order to get the click.
First, use a title that actually tells what the content is about. Avoid tricks. Keep to only one subject in the content piece.
You're reading this because you aimed to find out more about the title subject. Not something else. So it should be on target here. Get credibility by giving people what you promise and what they therefore expect.
Second, imagine you're talking to a friend of colleague who's asked your advice. Keep it simple and straightforward. People don't want essays.
Third, offer a useful freebie, a gift you'd like to get if you were in their situation. Remember you want them to click your link.
Fourth, keep this in mind: you're not giving the content to entertain for a minute and then they go somewhere else, or to pass some time. You want them to click through to your website or wherever you want them to go. You're collecting clicks, to get subscribers, to get customers, in order to make a profit by giving useful help.
Forget about those who don't click. They wouldn't have bought from you anyway.
Click to read: How To Generate Credibility In Email Marketing
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