I'm sure you've come across plenty of ways to generate money on the internet. There are lots of so-called systematic methods too. Many of them are temporary, one-hit wonders.
The let-down with using those is that people pile in to join the bandwagon. The first and quick marketers will make it work for a while in profiting from them. But then everybody and his dog are using them, and the methods don't work any more. Some people are forever seeking that secret eldorado method.
Instead, you need to have an evergreen way of creating an income. One that doesn't disappear. Easily the best and most sure way of doing this is to have your own products that you have created. Nobody can really copy them as they're unique to you.
Therefore, make your own product.
Here's how.
First, decide what niche or sub-niche you'll be in. What are you knowledgeable about? What are you above average at doing?
Second, what format will you use? How is the information best presented? It is best for people to read it, hear it, or see it? In other words, will you create a text based product, an audio, or a video?
Third, list the main ideas you need to cover. Under each main idea, list three to five (or more) related ideas.
Fourth, start making it. Write the ebook or whatever text based product it is. Use the list as your plan (don't write out every word you'll say but keep it sounding more spontaneous) for your audio. The same for your video: decide what you'll show and say, when.
Fifth, complete the product.
Sixth, check it over for mistakes. Don't be heavy handed about this. For example, don't worry about um's and ah's in your audio or video. If the information is valuable to them, customers will not mind.
Seventh, make your offer in a sales letter on your site.
Eighth, get visitors to your offer.
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