Saturday, 17 October 2015

Is Your List Loyal To You?

Are you aiming to build a big list? That's ok but are they opening all of your emails day by day, and then clicking your links, and then purchasing your product?

Your subscribers have to have excellent reasons to want to read your emails. It is not to do with the subject line. Given time, you show them that you provide above average value, that your emails will not let them down.

First, make it a regular action to give them a freebie asking for nothing in return. They will want to see if the next email gives a similar freebie, and it encourages them to click your links. You're looking for long term sales and not just a few sales here and there.

Second, your content emails need to stand out in the information your give them. If they can get the same information somewhere else you'll lose some to that source. You want to build trust in yourself and your emails. Better not to send one if you haven't got good enough material.

Third, build the trust and understanding further by asking your subscribers what they are stuck on and what they need help with. You can then create products to help them.

In addition, give answers in follow up emails. It's free. You're not referring them to a product you want to sell with the answer in it. You're giving it away to them.

Also, other subscribers who did not respond, see your answers and it gives a sense of a live list, which is useful when you send an offer.

Fourth, if people email you personally, aim to answer them all yourself.

Fifth, give customers more than they expect. Provide bonuses to your products, including unannounced ones.
You can see the build up of support here for your subscribers, which encourages them to remain loyal to you and your business.

Email Marketing The Core Of Your Business

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