Saturday, 10 October 2015

People Open Emails For Content

Have you seen those offers for a package of email subject lines that are said to be tested to get your emails opened?

Can this be true?

Maybe for a while when subscribers are new to your list. You can tease them with promises in your subject lines. But these types of email are largely used by business opportunity or get rich quick marketers. People get bored or fed up with them after a while, and stop opening emails or unsubscribe.

On the other hand, those who stay on your list and keep reading them aren't doing it for the subject lines but because of the content you keep sending them.
They'll open your emails because the last email, and those before that, were valuable to them. It might have extended their understanding or gave useful and doable information that helped them. So, if you check email open rates it will probably be the case that it is content already received which influences whether next emails are opened and read.

Just think about which emails you open consistently.

You see who has sent an email and you see the subject line. Which one influences you to click it open? Think about what you actually do, and not what you might have read marketers telling you about the importance of subject lines.

Do you always read those emails by the same marketers every time? I believe that will be the case. Isn't it your experience of their content that gets you to do so?

If you're not sure, try this. Make a note to yourself to read this again tomorrow just after you read any emails. Let me know what you think then.

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