This article goes against the grain of most of what you'll read online about starting and developing a business. The fact is no cookie cutter method or being in someone else's system or aiming to get rich very fast ever really work. The reason is simple: you're an individual and your business will be too. Just copying another marketer exactly step by step, even if you know what those steps are exactly, won't produce a business just like theirs. If it was that easy, everyone would do it.
Internet marketing keeps changing, too. Look at Google's changes in recent years, and they're doing changes all the time, and you'll find people still selling ideas and products that are out of date. Or look at products a marketer is letting others sell. It might have been a hot seller when it was new and that marketer was the only one selling it. But thousands of sales later, and then others start selling it too, and that same product has much less of a position and impact in the market. The original seller has already taken most of the money.
So, here are the basic elements you need to start and develop your own online business.
First, you need a product.
You could start with affiliate products if they're definitely still needed by your market and have value. However, you're best having your own product, and more than one, so you control it and take all the profit. You can also have affiliates selling it for you, deepening your reach in the market.
Second, you'll then need a website to sell the product.
Wordpress is a free platform and easy and quick to get your site organized and to create pages and posts on it. Pay for a decent host, and create your Wordpress site from within that host. In addition, make sure it's a host with and up to date cPanel so it's easy to control your site.
Third, learn about copywriting.
If you're selling an affiliate product, you use their sales page. If you're selling your own product you have to create a sales page to persuade your prospect to buy it. To do that convincingly, you need to find out about copywriting. It's best to find out first, then use your knowledge, rather than try yourself first, find it doesn't work, and then go to learning copywriting.
Fourth, You need traffic to your sales page.
You can start with free traffic generation, if you have enough time to do it, and when you make enough from sales, then buy traffic in order to increase the development of your business. For free traffic test out different places where your market goes online, and see which produce the most and best buyer traffic. Once you've found such sources then you can ramp them up as you go along.
Fifth, and finally, keep track of all you do.
For example, keep track of your traffic sources and how much money they're generating for you. Let's say you have a source that provides you with one thousand visitors a month that cost you $100 a month. That's ok, but if those one thousand visitors only buy $50 worth of product, you're losing money. So, don't be impressed by numbers, but be certain you know how much money each visitor is generating for you relative to how much they're costing you.
See my other blog post on internet marketing home business.
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