Friday, 7 August 2015

How To Write Your Best Sales Letter

First to say, you can write a sales letter. And second to say, you can improve on your writing to write your best sales letter ever. Of course, you have to find and try out new writing skills. However, never forget, all those great copywriters of all those great sales letters you've read - they probably began where you are at this time. Once, they'd never written one before. I know you might be not too pleased with your attempts so far but in a short series of steps I'll show you how to use the organization and persuasion you want.

All sales letters have basic elements in a basic organization. Different letters might put the elements together in different ways but, on the whole, they include them.

First, your headline is vital. You only have a couple of seconds, so it must make every attempt to get hold of your visitor's attention - there are plenty of other distractions online. It must call out to them. Think of it this way: a potential customer must read your sales letter first. If not, they won't buy your product.

It must be as directly relevant to the reader as possible - after all, they probably came from a link related to the topic of your product. If they're prepared to arrive in the first place, unless it's casual curiosity, they'll be hoping your product can help them in some way. So, give your top benefit in the headline - how useful is it for them? What will it do for them? For example, if you were in the gardening niche, you might have:

How to Grow Delphiniums Like an Expert

How to Grow Top Quality Vegetables for your Table at Half the Cost

Be the Envy of your Neighbors and Friends with these Expert Gardening Tips

Transform your Garden from Weeds to Glory in 30 Days or Less - Guaranteed

Get going trying out some headlines for your niche or product. Put in your benefit and product in the examples as a template. Could you write 100 of them? If you keep writing, yes a lot will not be very good, but some will be successful. Doing more gets your creative juices flowing.

Second, you'll have seen those lists of bullet points. Why are they there, and how do you do them to influence the reader?

Make a list of the really important benefits of your product for the customer. Write them as bullet points. For instance, in the dog training niche, you might have:

You can manage your naughty dog with almost no effort on your part

Find out the secret language to train your dog correctly

How to train your dog so it learns fast

You need to know these tricks to gently instil obedience in your dog

You see how you're providing your visitor with specific benefits they'll get from your product. They attract the reader to buy your product in order to receive the benefits.

Third, you must have a guarantee. You must have one to overcome the reader's natural skepticism. If they see they'll get their money back, no questions asked, then it gives them confidence in trusting you with their money. Just make sure your product is actually and fully what you say it is - that way there'll be no or very few refunds.

A guarantee example: If you're not fully satisfied with the product within 30 days, you can have your money back, happily and with no questions asked.

Of course, you would have to alter the timing and any other details to fit with your own product, such as maybe the customer  returning a product if it's not digital.

Fourth, ask or tell them to buy. Now, telling may sound a bit heavy handed. But the fact is that this is usually the weakest part of the sales letter. Many customers complain they get to the end but do not know what to do next. So, you must spell it out, such as "Click the Following Link" and urge them to do so. You could even ask for the sale 2 or 3 times during the sales letter.

If you don't ask or urge them to buy, making it very clear how to do so, then your sales may not be anywhere near what they should be.

Now it's over to you. Try writing your sales letter, or several of them, using this outline. You should not be tense about this. Just write as if you're talking to a friend over coffee, explaining your product and how good it is with all its benefits.

You can read more on copywriting at this page

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